

Seaweed Hair Rinse/Bathing Instructions

  • Brown seaweed mucopolysaccharides (seaweed gel) for topical application are best extracted in warm water over time or with agitation. Note, seaweed gel extraction varies by seaweed categories. The below techniques will not necessarily work for other seaweeds, particularly red seaweeds. For instructions on extracting red seaweed gel, for topical or internal use, go here.

    Gel content can vary significantly due to seasonal changes and other factors that influence seaweed mucopolysaccharide production. Winter-harvested Salish Sea bladderwrack generally has low mucopolysaccharide content, for example. So, you my need to use more seaweed or mix in another brown seaweed species if you are not getting a good gel.

    For Hair Rinse:

    Add about 1 oz of dried kombu (Saccharina/Laminaria spp.) or bladderwrack (Fucus spp.) seaweed to a polyester mesh bag to enclose. Harvest your own, or purchase bath-grade bladderwrack (including mesh bag!) here.

    Fresh bladderwrack and kombu can be used as well—a handful or about 1 cup. Fresh seaweeds may require more heat or agitation to extract gel. Other brown seaweeds may work, but kombu and bladderwrack are the best to create a good gel.

    Put bag in quart ball jar, add luke-warm water, and seal jar.

    Shake jar every so often over the course of 30 minutes to an hour to extract gel or leave standing for 4-8 hours until gel forms.

    Massage into hair and scalp. Best to leave the gel in your hair without rinsing, it but can be rinsed out with water if needed. Do not get seaweed down your drain.

    Gel can be stored in the fridge, but use within 48 hour of making.

    For Bath:

    You will need at least 4 oz of dried or 1 gallon fresh kombu or bladderwrack for a full bath. Harvest your own, or purchase bath-grade bladderwrack (including mesh bag!) here.

    Add seaweed contained in mesh polyester bag (for indoor plumbing) directly to a hot tub and squeeze while you are in the tub to keep extracting gel.

    Alternatively, prime 4 oz. dried bladderwrack or kombu (contained in polyester mesh bag for indoor plumbing) by slowly heating it up in 2-4 quarts of water on your stove or by following the hair rinse extraction method above. Add seaweed bag and warm gel extraction to your bath. Priming is recommended if using fresh seaweeds.

    The seaweeds can also be primed without a bag; once a good gel has been extracted, strain the seaweed and add only the gel to your tub water. Do not get seaweed down your drain as it will likely clog your plumbing.

    Brown seaweed gel preparations can be stored in the fridge, but use within 48 hour of making.