Resources to accompany class Empowered Contraception:
Unlocking the Mysteries of Wild Carrot

Wild Carrot Resources

Robin Rose Bennett’s Gift of Healing Herbs

Protocol for working with Wild Carrot as a contraceptive herb. Robin has one extensive work with wild carrot as a contraceptive herb, and her work is a primary resource for practical use of this herb in this way.

Toni Weschler’s Taking Charge of Your Fertility

A great resource for understanding and tracking your cycle and fertility. Includes fertility tracking charts. Her accompanying website also has downloadable charts.

Apps for tracking fertility

Flo is one App available for tracking fertility. There are many others. Choose one that allows you to track basal body temperature, cervial fluid and cervical position in addition to other notes about your cycle.

Fertility Hormone Testing Kits (Oova is one with an app.)

Fertility Awareness

Menstrual Cycle

The probability of conception on different days of the cycle with respect to ovulation: an overview

Day-specific probabilities of conception in fertile cycles resulting in spontaneous pregnancies

Timing of Sexual Intercourse in Relation to Ovulation — Effects on the Probability of Conception, Survival of the Pregnancy, and Sex of the Baby

Molly Dutton Kenny, midwife with a wealth of resources and online classes related to pregnancy, pregnancy loss, herbal abortificants, fertility awareness, wild carrot and contraception and more.

Other Articles on Wild Carrot

Gabrielle Claire Jansen and Hans Wohlmuth, “Carrot Seed for Contraception: A Review”

“Wild Carrot Monograph” by Emily Peters

A great comprehensive monograph on wild carrot study and medicinal uses, including contraception.

Robin Rose Bennett, Wild Carrot Exploration Summary, 1992

Robin Rose Bennett, “Wild Carrot Exploration: Summary, August 2011”

“Daucus carota: Origins and New Directions” by Jeff Meyers. Ethnobotanical Leaflets: A Publication of the Southern Illinois University Herbarium.

“Carota—Wild Carrot.” Kings American Dispensatory, 1898.

An Interview with Robin Rose Bennett: Wild Carrot, Fertility, and a Vision

Herbal Womb Wisdom podcast, “Natural Contraception? All About Wild Carrot Seed with Mischa Schuler”

Wild Carrot and other Herbal Fertility Management Resources

Samantha Zipporah’s  Please Bleed! Brief guide to herbal fertility management, fertility awareness,  herbal allies for contraception and promoting menstruation.

Molly Dutton Kenny, midwife with a wealth of resources and online classes related to pregnancy, pregnancy loss, herbal abortificants, fertility awareness, wild carrot and contraception and more.

Mischa Schuler, herbalist from Maine who collaborated with Robin on her second wild carrot exploration (2009-2010) and teaches on wild carrot and contraception.

Harvesting Wild Carrot and Poisonous Look Alikes

Washington State information and ID of Poison Hemlock, Conium maculatum